Dynamic Statuses
Deal stages and statuses allow users to quickly review and sort through their Deal Pipeline. Default loan stages and statuses will be populated within your Blooma profile at initial site implementation.
During site implementation, Blooma will assist with establishing the Deal statuses your team would like to use. New and existing Deals will be classified by these stages and statuses in your site.
Users with "admin" credentials are able to add or edit the loan stages and statuses within the admin portal at any time. To edit stages and statuses, navigate to the admin page by selecting "Admin" on the top of the home page. Once you have entered the Admin page, select the "Dynamic Statuses" tab.
From here you will be able to add, edit, or delete deal stages and statuses. Once an edit has been made, it will be reflected as an available option for use within new Deals moving forward and in Deals already in your Pipeline.
Valuation Types
Valuation types allow users to delineate between in-place, historical, future, or custom based valuations. Valuation types can be configured, edited, or deleted from the admin page. Navigate to the admin page from the top of your screen and click on the “Valuation Types” tab.
From here you can type the valuation type name and click the check mark next to the box to save as new. Use the trash can and pencil icons next to the valuation types listed to edit and delete valuation types that already exist in the system.
The templates tab in the Admin section is for uploading, downloading, and deleting templates. Navigate to the admin section and click on the templates tab on the left. From here you can easily click a button to enact the desired action.
Note: For information on how to create or utilize templates in Blooma, see the Custom Reports section.
Bulk Deal Import
If you’d like to import deals into Blooma in bulk you’ll find the Bulk Deal Import tab on the left of the Administration page. From here you can upload deals in bulk by entering all necessary information in the graph. After you specify the stage for each Deal (Pipeline, Portfolio, etc.), you can enter the rest of the information like deal name, loan number, and loan amount.
Note: To be added to Blooma through Bulk Deal Import, the required fields for each Deal are: Deal Name, Originated Loan Amount, Origination Date, Loan Type, Address, and Asset Type.
Bulk Deal Update
If you already have multiple Deals uploaded to Blooma but you’d like to update any information in bulk, you should navigate to the Bulk Deal Update tab on the left side of the Admin page. From here you can update multiple deals at once. Simply enter the “Deal ID” (See below) for each Deal you would like to update, and subsequently fill all new information into the following cells. When you click “Save” you should see the changes reflected in your updated Pipeline/Portfolio.