To represent mixed use properties, you can add one or more Components to a Deal Collateral. There are two ways to add, edit, or delete Components.
Deal Page
Below the Property Details and Google Maps Panel, all of the Components for the current Collateral Property are displayed. Navigate to the right side and click the “+ Add Component” button.
This will open the "Add Component" window. Users can change the Component Type using the drop down menu. Note that changing the type will change the information that needs to be filled in. Once the relevant information is added, click the “Save” button on the bottom right to add the new Component.
Edit Collateral Window
The second way to add, edit, or remove Components from a Collateral Property is using the "Edit Collateral" window. Users can expand this window by clicking the pencil icon to the right of the Collateral's address:
Once expanded, the window has the Components listed towards the bottom. Users can add new Components using the "Add Component" button in the middle, and delete them using the "-" buttons on the right
After a new Component has been added using either process shown above, the type should be visible next to the original Component. Users can switch between Components and all relevant information below will switch to the one selected.