Users can underwrite any individual or entity related to a new Deal. To do this, users must first add all borrowers/guarantors/sponsors as a "Contact" within the system. Blooma leverages unified contacts which allows for a dynamic contact experience across the system. That means if a contact is on multiple deals, any update to that contact will be reflected simultaneously in all of the deals they are a part of.
Adding a Contact Within the Contacts Page
Users can add new contacts into the system directly within the Contacts page.
Once selected, the following contacts page will be displayed.
Select if you would like to add a new Company or Person from the top of that window, and once selected, select the "Add" icon on the top right of the page.
Users will be prompted to enter either personal or company information for the new contact. Once the new contact has been created, that contact can be added to any new or existing Deal in the system. (Please refer to the next section of this How-To to learn how to add/create a new contact within a Deal below).
Finally, users are also able to see how many and which deals a specific contact is involved with from the Contacts page. When you select a user from the Contacts page, you will be taken to a landing page for that contact. The contact landing page will include all of the contact information, financial information, narrative summary, etc., on file for that individual, along with a running list of all of the deals that Contact is a part of. Users can access any of the deals the Contact is a part of directly from this view:
Adding a Contact Within a Deal
This can be done within the Deal Contacts section at the bottom of the deal page. First select the deal you would like to add a contact to, then scroll down until you see the Deal Contacts section. Select the "Edit Contact" icon. This will open the following window allowing users to add/edit contacts in the system.
From this screen users are able to select any existing company or individual contacts that have already been entered into the system.
This would be the case if you are working with borrowers or guarantors from previous loans. To add a pre-existing contact to the Deal, select the "Add a Contact" icon under the Contact Type you are looking to add. This will open a subsequent screen where you will select if the contact is a person or a company. Next, start typing the name of the existing contact within the name field. This will provide all of the existing contacts by the name in the system and users can select the add icon once they have found the existing contact they are looking for:
If you would like to add a contact to the deal that does not already exist in the system, users will need to select "Create New Person" or "Create New Company" from this screen, once they have selected if the contact is a person or a company:
Users will be prompted to enter either personal or company information for the new contact. Once the new contact has been created, that contact will automatically be added to the Deal you are working on.
All borrowers and guarantors which have been added to the Deal can be removed from the Deal Contacts page, by hovering over their name, and selecting the red trash can icon the the right of their name:
Once all of the contacts have been added/removed/edited, please select the Save icon on the bottom right of this window, and these contacts will be updated within the deal.