Uploading Borrower/Guarantor Documents
To upload documents for any contact, navigate to the "Deal Contacts" page, and select the Contact you would like to upload documents for. Once the Contact page is open, select the "Document Upload Center" icon at the bottom left of the screen. Users can select files to upload to the Contact from this window and they will be processed by Blooma.
Any time documents are uploaded for a Contact, Blooma will automatically classify and sort the uploaded documents. Users can review the uploaded documents within the "Documents" page.
The uploaded documents will all be classified in subfolders under the Contact's name. Current document classification supports: Personal Financial Statements, Schedules of Real Estate, and Tax Returns for People. For Companies, Blooma supports Tax Returns, Balance Sheets, and Income Statements. All other document types can be saved within an “Other” folder. Blooma will automatically parse data from any uploaded financial file previously identified, and will transfer that parsed data into the corresponding "Financials" page for the Contact.
Individual Contact Analysis
Uploading documents for a Contact will trigger Blooma to begin parsing and analyzing the data from within those documents. Blooma will perform both a financial analysis and background check for each Deal Contact:
Financial Analysis: Blooma reviews cash flow, DSCR ratios, net worth, and liquidity for each Contact. A large portion of the analysis is automated for users, and the individual processes are further described below:
Personal Financial Statement – Values within the uploaded Personal Financial Statement will populate the Contact financial sections in Blooma. Total Net Worth and Liquidity values are calculated at an individual and global level.
Schedule of Real Estate - All applicable values within the Schedule of Real Estate will be parsed into this section.
Tax Returns - Cash flow data is parsed by Blooma. Proforma cash flow values are then calculated by Blooma for each Contact based on the parsed data. Debt service coverage ratios are calculated at an individual and global level.
Background Check: Blooma runs an OFAC background search on all Deal Contacts. The OFAC search will cross-reference the Contact name, date of birth, address, and SSN (if provided). Once the Deal Contact has been cleared with the OFAC search, a blue verification check mark will be displayed next to the contact's name.
Global Analysis
Blooma calculates a global analysis of all borrowers, guarantors, and collateral for the Deal. The global analysis can be found at the bottom of the Summary page of the Deal. The global analysis provides a summary of all financial sources that are securing the Deal.
The global financial review at the bottom of the Deal Summary page provides a consolidated view of global DSCR, equity/net worth, and liquidity.