New Asset Type for Multi-Collateral Deals
Deals created in Blooma with two collateral will be classified as “Portfolio” asset type. You will be able to search and filter your Pipeline using this new asset type. All existing deals with two or more collateral will be converted from “Mixed Use” to “Portfolio” asset type.
Enhanced Compare View for Valuations
Now you can compare any assortment of valuations that have been created within a Deal! Add and remove valuations easily from this page and compare 5+ valuations at a time. Use the “Clear Comparison” button to reset the compare screen and start from scratch.
Note: Blooma will now store your selections so when you return to compare valuations your selections remain. Use the “Clear” button to clear your saved selections.
New Cash Flow Line Item Standardization
P&L files are uploaded in 2 ways:
At deal creation (from the intelligent new deal creation)
After deal creation from the document upload center, clicking on P&L
In both scenarios 1 and 2, once the P&L is uploaded users have the ability to change the expenses using a drop down to adhere to the Blooma expenses standard (called CREFC). Navigate to the Valuations section and click “Edit Cash Flow” to be able to access the drop down menu shown below.
Minor Bugs Patched
Rent Comparables Summary view no longer shrinks upon resizing of the window
Improved Rent Roll parsing
Minor Bugs Patched