Compare Rent Roll Summaries Between Multiple Rent Rolls as Well as Comp Pricing
Now you can compare $/SF values by bed/bath count. You can see how your in-place rent roll is doing in comparison to your Deal’s comparables. Navigate to the rent roll section and click on “Compare Rent Rolls” to open the analysis screen.
Multiple Ranking Profiles for Sales and Rent Comparables by Asset Type
To help create the most accurate and relevant list of comparables for a Deal, Blooma now utilizes individual ranking profiles for each asset type and comparable type.
Multiple Collateral Stress Test
Deals with more than one Collateral will now account for each collateral within that Deal when calculating stress test data.
Download Filtered Extract of Deals from Your Pipeline
Navigate to the main Deals page and apply whatever filters you’d like to be applied. From there you can click “Download Pipeline” and the downloaded data will only contain the details from the Deals that you have chosen to filter.
View Discounted Cash Flow Section
View and edit DCF models for each cashflow present in your Deal. Navigate to the Property Income Valuations section and click “View DCF” to open. From there you can click “Edit DCF Model” to be able to alter the Discount Rate as well as the revenue and expense growth rate for each year.
Grid Functionality for Valuation's Income and Expense Section
New grid functionality in the cashflow income and expense section. You can now easily copy and paste line items directly into your cashflow grid (like Excel), creating a quicker process to make bulk edits than before.
Minor Bug Fixes
Deals with multiple Collaterals now deleting rent roll data correctly
Calendar inputs displaying full date in Pipeline filter
Minor bugs patched