- New Deal Guide
- Blooma has simplified the workflow for managing a deal. Now users can quickly see which tasks are still outstanding, and clicking on the task will take them directly where they need to go. As tasks are completed, users can see how “complete” the deal is.
- Blooma has simplified the workflow for managing a deal. Now users can quickly see which tasks are still outstanding, and clicking on the task will take them directly where they need to go. As tasks are completed, users can see how “complete” the deal is.
- Deal Document Upload
- Users can now click “Open Bulk Upload” on the Deal Guide and know exactly which documents have been uploaded and which are still required for the deal. When these documents are uploaded, they will automatically be parsed and the data will be populated in the appropriate section of the deal.
- Users can now click “Open Bulk Upload” on the Deal Guide and know exactly which documents have been uploaded and which are still required for the deal. When these documents are uploaded, they will automatically be parsed and the data will be populated in the appropriate section of the deal.
- Automatically Download Generated Documents
- Now when a user generates a document, the document will be automatically downloaded in addition to being added to the generated documents folder on the deal
- Now when a user generates a document, the document will be automatically downloaded in addition to being added to the generated documents folder on the deal
- Improved AI
- Improved OM address parsing
- Faster AI parsing of data from OM
- General - Bug Fixes
- Fixed ability to save loan ID
- Removed glitch when previewing OM in create new deal
- In-Place P&L upload working again
- Fixed bug where user could not pull comps for Brooklyn, NY
- DCF graph automatically refreshed when making edits to proforma cash flow
- Fixed Fee icon in edit deal
- Fixed bug where a fee would not disappear after deleting it
- Fixed bug where document preview would auto-close on collateral page
- Prevent user from using circular reference unit of measure calculation on proforma cash flow
- Fixed DCF calculation errors
- Updated field names on DCF
- Added navigation bar to contact page from a deal
- Let user know that max file size for OM upload is 40mb
- Fix bug where revenue type on proforma cash flow wasn’t updating when user changed
- Made it clear when user needs to upload a unit mix (so that valuations can be calculated)
- Allow user to upload .xlsm files from upload document button on documents page