Portfolio Stress Test no Longer Including Deals Without Income Based Valuation
If your Deal’s primary valuation is using Sales Comp Valuation or any other Alternative Valuation, Blooma will no longer include those Deals in the portfolio stress test. Only Deals using an Income Valuation will be included in the portfolio stress test. You can change the valuation model of your Deal by clicking the valuation you would like to use for your Deal metrics in the bar graph at the top of the Deal page.
New Sort Option for Sales Comparables
Now you can sort your sales comparables by total sale price!
New Data Provider for Multi-Family Comparables
Blooma has entered into an arrangement with MSCI to upgrade the quality and quantity of our multi-family rent comparables for licensed clients. You can view an select different data providers using the drop down list in the comparables section.
Minor Bug Fixes
Key values no longer being multiplied by 100 on some Deals
Spacing corrected on bottom of Deal filter modal
Administration page widened to help accommodate bulk Deal import and update
User page no longer shaking when visited
Error removed when interest rate changed after initially being value 0
Square footage saving correctly for sales and rent comparables
Add collateral screen now closing correctly upon save
Personal financial statement section re-aligned to display “save” button correctly
Deal metrics now showing values to the second decimal place
Unit mix dollar values are now shown to the second decimal place
Contact section hidden for CRE environment
Minor interface improvements
Bulk import/export table no longer allows saving incorrect data
Loan Pricing Options table now showing interest rate to the third decimal