Updated List for Rate Type
The rate type field in the Deal Details section has been updated. Added: 7 YR TREAS, 10 YR TREAS, 2 YR SWAP, 7 YR SWAP, 10 YR SWAP, AMERIBOR - Term 30. Removed: 5 YR CMT, 10 YR CMT, 2 YR ICE SW, and 5 YR ICE SW.
Minor Bug Fixes
Index Rate now blurring correctly when rate type is selected
New “Valuation as of” field added to alternative valuation page
Homeownership rate now displaying correct percentage point
Vacancy rate now able to save with 0% value
Updating Origination Date automatically updates Maturity Date for Deals in Portfolio stage
Capitalization no longer a factor when standardizing line items in the cash flow section