Bedroom and Bathroom Count Standardization for Multifamily Deals
Bedroom count for Multifamily Deals has been updated to account for whole integers from 0-5. Bathroom count for Multifamily Deals has been updated to account for numbers 0-5 with .5 increments permitted.
New Concluded Rents Column in Unit Mix Table
Users now have the functionality available to add Concluded Rents to the unit mix table data. The Concluded Rent column total represents the calculated total annual revenue based on user input data. Concluded Rent is now an available selection for Source of Income in the Property Income Valuations section when creating and underwriting cash flow scenarios.
Checklist Options for PNL Document Uploads
When uploading a PNL document through either the document upload center or through Deal creation, users now have the option to select what data they would like parsed from a list of checkbox options. Users can select Months, Quarters, Annual, or Total. Also, users can select which year(s) they would like parsed from a multi-select dropdown containing years 2015-2025.
Improved Address Formatting for Comparables
Full addresses are now comma-separated for all comparable addresses. For Moody’s CRE comparables, the County name ahs been trimmed as well.
Comparables Map Trimmed for Unit Mix Table
The map in the comparables section is now pushed down when the unit mix table is expanded. This allows full access to the map even when the unit mix table has been expanded.
Included/Excluded Data Added to Comparables
Upon the initial creation of a comp set in Blooma, the comps that form the initial comp set will receive a tag “Included by Blooma” to indicate as such. When the user excludes a comp from the set, that comp will then get a tag “Excluded by User”. When the user includes a comp that was previously not part of the comp set, that comp will receive an “Included by User” tag. A Refresh - Reset will revert all tags, where the comps in the new comp set will receive the “Included by Blooma” tag.
During the maintain - refresh process, if any net new comps (not previously part of the comp set) are set to included, then the system will attach a note to the user on each new comp that it was automatically added and let the user decide whether or not to keep it included. In this scenario, the comp is included in the comp set and used for calculations until the user clicks “exclude” comp. Additionally, the “new comp” alert will be visible on the comp until the user clicks either “include” or “exclude” comp. This is true for both auto and manual maintain refresh
Updated Map Iconography
When a user navigates to the comparable map display, the dot icon on the map for each comp now displays the following values within the dot
- Multifamily > Rent Comps = Avg Asking Rent / Unit
- Multifamily > Sales Comps = Sales Price / Unit
- Commercial > Rent Comps = Avg Asking Rent / SF (Monthly)
- Commercial > Sales Comps = Sales Price / SF
- Hotel > Sales Comps = $/Key
Improved Cash Flow Exports in Template Generation
Blooma has improved the generation part of the cash flows inside the template, in order to support large deals with multiple valuations.
Blooma has changed the mechanism to export cash flow/valuation related info in a static manner into a predefined format. This has bypassed the existing replacement mechanism. This will reduce the time it take to export a template while allow the existing template to function as is.
Support Exporting Rent Roll Data
Users now have the ability to generate an excel containing all of the primary rent roll data across each component within each collateral of a Deal. The component and collateral names for each rent roll will be downloaded in the excel as well, such that a user can identify which component each rent roll belongs to. To generate an excel with your Deal’s rent roll data navigate to the sidebar of your Deal and click on the “Download Data” icon shown below. This will open up the sidebar containing all of your templates, from here you can click the Rent Roll Data template to generate an excel containing all primary rent roll data from the Deal that you are in.
Minor Bug Fixes
- “View All” button removed and comp ranking table now automatically resized upon comparable card flip to show all rows
- User entered date now saving correctly for Alternative Valuations
- Failure with fetching Reis comparables patched
- Patched bug where pasting negative monthly rent into rent roll was causing endless loading bar loop
- Edit Cash Flow fields now functioning correctly for Deals with a high number of collaterals
- Updated event notification mechanism in FE for loan packages, Sale and Rent Comps, and residential/commercial rent rolls
- Link to help center no longer disappearing
- Users now able to navigate from Sales to Rent Comps without error