New Features:
- Updated pipeline/portfolio review functionality
- Blooma has updated the design and layout of the pipeline to provide additional visualizations and management of new and existing deals in your pipeline landing page. Users can filter all deals in their system in multiple additional graphical views.
- Deal creation
- Improved OM upload time – Blooma has continued to improve on the automated OM/Executive Summary parser. The system now displays the OM/Executvie summary for users to begin reviewing almost immediately. The process of uploading a new OM/ Executive Summary and displaying a which is now accompanied by an intuitive deal creation wizard. The improvements to the AI-based parser and deal wizard result in faster uploads and more accurate parsing of the data within the files. Deals are able to be created with minimal user input, but the system still allows users the flexibility to make changes or review in the OM in full. Collateral image parsing from the OM/Executive Summary has also been improved within the current release.
- Streamlined deal creation wizard – Blooma has also streamlined the deal creation wizard to allow users to input all required fields within one page in the system rather than two, allowing users to create deals and begin reviewing them much faster.
- Bulk deal import functionality – Blooma has created new bulk deal import functionality. Users can download and complete the bulk deal import file from their Blooma site, and send the file back to the Blooma Professional services team. The Professional services team will upload the bulk file into the system, allowing all deals present on the file to be created in one go. This will save users with large existing portfolios an immense amount of time when adding deals into the system.
- Asset Analysis
- Collateral Analysis
- Collateral landing page redesign – Blooma has updated the collateral landing page to display collateral valuation data more quickly to our users. Now, users are immediately shown the proforma cash flow table, which derives the proforma income valuation for the collateral property. From this view, users can manipulate the proforma cash flow model immediately, and can jump into the market comps/data page to review all returned comps, market details etc.
- Intelligent Comps
- Blooma has released an additional “comp scoring” enhancement to the returned comps in the system. This feature will continue to improve and mature over time, and displays users with a letter grade for each comp returned within the system. The scoring of the comps is determined by Blooma’s AI-Engine and can be viewed within each of the main sales and rent comp screens, as well as within the map view for each category.
- Collateral Analysis
- General
- New Templates – Blooma has created a new and dedicated location for the current personal financial statement and schedule of real estate templates on the site. These templates can be found within the Borrower review pages of the system. Once you have downloaded and completed these forms, users are able to upload these back into the system to be parsed and classified, rounding out the borrower analysis section.