Improved process for Creating a New Deal - When creating a new deal, users now have 2 possible options
- Intelligent Deal Creation – Users can select the “Intelligent Deal Creation” icon, populates the required fields, and upload an OM, P&L, and Rent Roll. When the user clicks create, the deal is sent to a more advanced AI which will take up to 15 minutes. Once the deal has been created, users will receive an email notification letting them know your deal has been added to the pipeline and is ready for review.
- Note that with automated deal creation, the AI can only process a single collateral with a single asset type. Once the deal is available to the user, user can still create additional collateral or make the collateral mixed-use (multi-component).
- Manual Deal Creation -
- Option 1: manual deal creation. If the user populates the Deal name, Address, and asset type fields but does not upload an OM, then clicking create will take them to the same Create new deal page as before, but without the doc preview.
- Option 2: AI-Assisted Deal Creation. If the user populates the required fields and uploads an OM, then the AI will attempt to populate the fields on the create new deal page. However, it should be noted that the AI is not 100% accurate so the data parsed should be reviewed by the user.
Ability to Manually Create Comps
- Users can now add their own custom sale and rent comps for deals. All manually created comps are utilized in the calculation for the proforma sales or rent data.
- Manual comps are also visible on the map view and will be displayed at the top of the comp list view with an icon designating it as a manually created comp.
Multi-Family Proforma Cash Flow New Market Data
- For multi-family collateral, Blooma is now populating the proforma cash flow with market data for concessions and expenses. This data will be displayed with the unit of measure amount per SF.
- This data is based on the closest MSA and covers 90+% of counties in America.
Bug Fixes
- Added note on DCF explaining which lines are not affected by growth percentages defined at the top of the DCF
- Fixed bug where clicking back on edit details page sent user back to pipeline instead of the deal summary page
- Fixed refresh issues so when user makes an edit, appropriate calculations are automatically refreshed